He was so much the humblest of them, indeed
he was the only humble one, that Wendy was
specially gentle with him.
When anyone describes an Aries girl as pushy, bossy, emotional, impulsive, impractical, and impossibly immature, the Virgo man who has loved her will nearly always disagree. He didn't ?nd her to be any of those things. To him, she was a lot of wornan—perhaps too much woman for him to handle--but he remembers her as direct and honest, fresh and innocent. “She was generous with her time and money,” he'll say. “She shared my idealism about love, taught me many things, and treated me gently and kindly. She may have been a little hurt or jealous occasionally, but she never created any really violent scenes. She was always willing to talk it over with me—to listen to reason. And when we made up after a minor quarrel, she made me believe in happiness all over again, like the very ?rst time. She was gentle, affectionate-and eternally young. "
When he ?nishes that nostalgic speech, his companion will probably ask, “Are you sure she was an Aries ?” Yes, she was an Aries, ruled by Mars, the planet of war and aggressive action. But an Aries woman surprisingly often will show her softer side, her hidden femininity, and her deep latent capacity for unsel?sh love to a Virgo, When she ?nds a man who's kind and considerate, a man who admires her courage and her bright mind, who seldom competes with her, who teaches her tenderly, sympathizes with her faults, and has faith in her dreams-she trusts him with her whole heart. Her hidden Aries insecurities and secret The typical Aries man or woman isn't looking for reasonable discussions o cool, sensible Virgo remarks about right and wrong, what's proper and practical, and what is not. Rams respond beautifully to generosity of spirit in
others-—and quite unpleasantly to stuf?ness or criticism Aries will often rebel and struggle for identity in a close association with a Virgo because he (or she) considers calm, rational talks a cold substitution for affectionate warmth, friendliness, and an open-hearted manner. Yet, when there's a favorable aspect between the Sun and Moon in the charts, Aries and Virgo can grace one another with many mutual blessings. In an Aries~Virgo association where there is such a harmonious Luminary in?uence, the Ram may surprise himself (or herself) by following Virgo’; quiet example and paying serious attention to Virgo’s always well-meant and helpful advice. “And the Virgins will surprise themselves too, by allowing the Rams to coax them into losing many of their inhibitions and dropping a few layers of their usually sedate behavior. All it really takes for this combination to blend smoothly is for each person to spend more time concentrating on the virtues of the other, rather than dwelling on the differences The clerk in the supermarket who frowns at the cash register and crankily scolds you for not taking your place in line is probably a Virgo. But the softly smiling, mild-mannered, and bright clerk who courteously answers your questions about where the soybean patties are kept and when the fresh melons will be available, and cheerfully helps you pick up the things that
spilled from your cart is probably also a Virgo. _ The customer who aggressively demands to be waited on immediately in a store, than leaves all the clothes hanging on a peg in the dressing room, after
trying them on impatiently and deciding they all look dreadful — is probably an Aries. But the friendly, trusting person who will loan a stranded, out-of- town stranger ten dollars without even asking why it's needed is probably also an Aries. The thing of which Virgo is seldom aware is that Aries senses unerringly
whether the Virgin's concern over his or her welfare stems from genuine devotion, affection, and friendliness—or merely from a dutiful obligation. And when it stems from the latter, the Ram would just as soon try to manage alone as to accept help from someone whose true sympathy and heart isn't involved in the offer, however much he (or she) may need Virgo’s assistance and advice. As far apart as they seem to be at ?rst glance, however, Aries and Virgo can stumble upon some happy surprises when they hike along together and take care to avoid the thistles, brambles, and thorns of disagreement In the Ram, the Virgin can find someone really worthy of helping toward achieve- ment, someone who will generously shower Virgo with a warmly enthusiastic and touching gratitude in return, someone who may even be able to unlock
fears of inadequacy melt away, and with them, the need to assert herself forcefully, in the mistaken belief that to conquer is to win—-in love, as in war. The necessity for combat disappears when the total love she seeks so desperately is given to her as a gift, purely and completely, as Virgo love is always given, with no strings attached. ~ Then why didn't it last? Virgo’s instinctivefear of matrimony. Since the Aries woman is unable to see patience as a virtue and expects all her wishes to come true instantly, the second she says “abracadabra," she may lose heart (perhaps too soon), run away in tears, and eventually convince herself it was only a lovely friendship. Strangely enough, that's just what a broken love affair between these two frequently becomes after the scars have healed. Thanks to Virgo’s inbred courtesy and gallantry, there are fewer
bitter memories than those which usually linger after a shattered romance between other Sun Signs.
Still, sometimes love does last forever between Aries and Virgo, and when it does, Life can be very beautiful. There will be a few shadows scattered throughout the sunlight, however, and they’ll have to be faced realistically, not emotionally. He's willing to face anything realistically, without self-deception, but she may need some help. (In fact, she may need a lot of help.) But if she should succeed, she deserves more credit than he does A Virgo man finds it easy to analyze a situation, spot the flaws, reach a compromise, and clear away the confusion. He really doesn’t deserve much praise for doing what is so instinctive, what comes so naturally to him. The Aries girl's natural reaction to a problem is to ?rst slam it with a hammer, then butt against it with those Ram horns, hoping to demolish it. If that doesn't work, she’s ready to sit down and discuss the pros and cons of it, but the pros may be all on her side— the cons on his. Therefore, if she can leam to face a misunderstanding with a cool temper and a rational mind, she deserves the kind of appreciation reserved for those who accomplish the nearly impossible. All those memories of the girl Ram that the Virgo man we discussed before still retains in his neat mind were formed when their love was new. If
the affair had lasted longer or developed into marriage, she may have seemed to him a tri?e less like an angel. He might also have seemed to her a few inches shorter than a saint. Most of the squabbles between Aries and Virgo will blow hot and cold over his urge to criticize her. If he's truly analytical, he'll soon realize that, with her, he's safer when the wind blows hot than when it blows cold. As I've counseled repeatedly, there’s more to fear from Aries ice than from Aries fire. The latter soon burns itself out. The former can shock the astrological novice, when the Aries woman stops crying “wolf” and cries “good-bye.” Once she’s gone she’s not likely to look over her shoulder to yesterday. The freedom of today may be far more exciting to her than the fast-fading recollection of past heartache. It has been said that Rams never learn from burning themselves on a hot stove. They're always ready to touch it again. Perhaps. But not necessarily the same stove. That's worth remembering. Back to the criticism. True, he has secret ways of convincing her that his criticisms don’t mean she isn’t loved. But loved or not, she won't be happy when the list of her shortcomings is longer than the list of her talents and virtues. If he wants a tranquil relationship with this woman, he'll learn to appreciate her taste and cleanliness in creating an attractive home, and refrainfrom peeking under the sink to see if she's polished the drain on the garbage disposal—or poking into the closet to see if she’s scrubbed the shelves. She probably hasn’t. Someone else can do all that. Like him. Ora maid. She could also have a habit of spend now — pay later— which may bring on periodic spells of Virgo nervousness. Pouting in the corner, nagging, or hiding the credit cards won’t work with Aries. The best solution is to let her get a job and squander her own money. The combination of Aries and Virgo is a 6-8 Sun Sign Pattern. Among other things, this means that devotion, service, and working together will always be part of their relationship. It also means something which may come as a surprise to those who don't understand astrology—a strangely
compelling sexual attraction. She represents sexual mystery to him. He represents to her the kind of sexual relationship she can trust. Somehow, despite the basic differences in their natures, these two may enjoy a rare compatibility of physical desire and expression. Perhaps it’s born of the essential innocence andpurity of intent the symbolic Infant and the symbolic Virgin bring, in an esoteric sense, to their lovemaking. Or it may be their mutual belief that sexual union is the ultimate blending of a man and woman's deepest yearnings, bringing their bodies, minds, and souls together in a singing unison of purpose and mutual tenderness. It could be this woman's directness, the simplicity of her approach to intimacy, that appeals to the Virgo man's innate honesty~—or his unsel?sh consideration of her needs that touches her so tenderly—and the fact that his latent passion can be aroused only with someone who joins him in the desire to raise physical love to a higher level than a casual erotic encounter or a brief pleasure. Whatever the reason, the sexual relationship between them is usually a strong force, often resulting in the kind of emotional peace and physical fulfillment that makes it easier for them to tolerate the differences and tensions in other areas of their togetherness. With Aries and Virgo, sex is a renewal of hope and rededication to each other. In most Aries-Virgo unions, the Virgo man will feel that the Aries female is all the woman he’ll ever want or need. The enthusiasm of her spontaneous passion nearly always deepens his basic earthy instincts. But she may sometimes feel that he’s not spontaneous or involved enough in passion, and she may lie awake beside him on more than one night, wondering to herself if this is all there is to love. Somehow, she hoped it would be more like her daydrearns, more stormy an wild and abandoned. She adores his gentleness and consideration, but she may wish occasionally he'd make her feel really truly conquered and overpowered——like Heathcliffe and Cathy on the moors. The girl Ram must comprehend that the Virgo man she loves is frequently driven, by the.combined forces of his foster ruler Mercury and his true, as yet undiscovered, ruling planet Vulcan, to commit himself to the mental gymnastics of the moment—and pursue a thought to its conclusion. When she accuses him of neglecting her at these times, he won't understand. His busy mind has been busy meditating on amoebas, splitting and popping into the air as they reproduce themselves. At a time like that, to be pulled
back to the reality of man-woman love can annoy him. She'll resent his detachment, and her instinctive urge to employ the fiery Mars method of demanding that he pay attention to her can create some unpleasant scenes between them. He’ll_ intensely dislike being boxed in by her insistence on direct answers. Especially when he’s immersed in one of his frequent spells of deep-blue depression and futility. At these times, the only way to handle him is to pretend she doesn't even notice his gloom and sadness. She should make a conscious effort to remain cheerful herself, totally curb her own sensitivity to neglect —and concentrate all her concern and sympathy toward him, not herself. She should suggest happy things for the two of them to do and talk about positive plans for the future. But quietly and sparingly-—not in a running streak of conversa- tion. which will only drive him deeper into mental seclusion. He doesn't need chattering when he’s worried and won't tell her what it is that’s troubling him He needs to know she’s there, that's all that she's somewhere near, singing or humming con?dently going about her business in the back-
ground. lt gives him a feeling of security. Even if he turns a deaf ear toward her suggestions to go somewhere and refuses to budge under her gentle urging to change the scene, he'll gradually come around if she doesn't press him. Once is enough for any suggestion. If he doesn’t pick up on it wait for a while. The one thing he doesn't need during these Virgo worry sessions is the third degree or the added burden of seeing the woman he loves in tears because his silence and detachment have caused her to feel neglected, and therefore sorry for herself. Self-pity is the very worst thing the girl Ram can allow herself to indulge in when her
Virgo man has temporarily retreated from her, mentally and emotionally. Patience, gentleness, tenderness, and just being there if he should need her these are the ingredients of the subtle alchemy guaranteed to bring
the twinkling stars back to shine again in his clear. calm Virgo eyes. She should stop ?nding fault with him(Aries is quick to imitate, and may pick up the Virgo critical syndrome after a time) and instead count her blessings. This man will seldom interfere with her freedom by imposing unnecessary restraints and retrictions on her activities. (This is wise of him, because she'd do her own thing anyway, through sheer resentment at being told how to behave, where to go, and what time to return.) But there's no denying that the sometimes sharp and satirical words of the Virgo male can deeply wound this woman in the sensitive area of her self-con?dence. Also. he may not be as demonstrative as she'd like him to be—not in relation to their sexual intimacy, but in their day-to-day communication and contact
Demonstrative affection does not ?ow easily with Virgo and may have to be deliberately cultivated if he wants to lceep her, because the tangible expressions of devotion (the small touching things, such as bear hugs, a kiss on the cheek, a meaningful wink across the room, or an unexpected tight handclasp) are a deep-seated needwithin her. If these constant reassurances of love are missing from their relationship, her belligerence and de?ance will grow in direct proportion to the degree of her emotional starvation. The Aries girl is gregarious, affectionate, and demonstrative It hurts and worries her when the man she loves makes it clear he'd rather be busv doing other things without her now and then. But he needs many more moments alone than most other men, for without them, his Virgo crankiness, nervousness, and irritability can increase. Although it won't be easy for the girl Ramgto really understand her Virgo man's frequent need for privacy and solitude, she can comfort herself with the thought that this man is far less likely than any other Sun Sign to hurt her by ?irting with another wom when he's not with her. Like Aries, Virgo usually falls in lavefor keeps. Yes, I know love that lasts forever is rare enough to be a miracle. ‘But if you expect a miracle, you'll ?nd it . .. every time.
Wednesday, 26 March 2014
The ARIES- VIRGO Relationship
Earth — Afutable —- Negative
Ruled by Mercury (also by
the Planet Vulcan)
Symbol: The Virgin
Fire—— Cardinal -—Positive
Ruled by Mars
Symbol: The Ram
Day Forces—-Masculine
Night Forces—Feminine _
The ARIBS- VIRGO Relationship
Indeed they were constantly bumping . . . if
they saw a cloud in front of them, the more
they tried to avoid it, the more certainly
did they bump into it.
A ries likes to generalize, hates to bother with details, and is bored by meticulous analysis. Virgo is meticulous, lilces to analyze details, and abhors generalities. That gives you some idea of the distance between these two Sun Signs to begin with——and now that we’ve begun, here are a few more. .
‘ Rams initiate all their actions from pure feeling—they trust their emotions and are skeptical of undue practicality. Virgos are practical, they trust their mentality, and are skeptical of pure feelings and emotions. When Aries people are upset, they'll usually shout it from the rooftops and open up their grievances to air them out. When Virgos are upset, they keep it buried inside and shut up their grievances to gather the rust of resentment. Rams are careless of their physical health, yet they're seldom chronically ill. Virgos are extremely careful of their physical health, yet they frequently complain of assorted symptoms of illness. And that’s only a partial list of their differences. 'Both of them are usually quick to help others, although their motivations are somewhat different. Arians do it because it makes them feel good to be the cause of happiness, since it proves to them that they can pull off a minor miracle anytime the occasion arises. Virgos do it because it gives a Virgin the nervous twidgets to stand by and see confusion adding up to chaos, when a little clear thinking would, in their practical opinion, untangle all the snarls. lt’s instinctive for a Virgo to step in, take a nip and tuck here and there, then go on his or her way without either waiting for or desiring any thanks. Aries
won’t wait around too long for thanks either, but you'd better believe the Ram desires it. If it isn't forthcoming, Aries will be both hurt and angry, unlike Virgo, who doesn't really expect too much of people anyway, and is therefore capable of shrugging off ingratitude by chalking it up as just another one of the many imperfections of human nature. It's true that both of them lean toward purity of purpose. Each wistfully
longs for the beauty of the spirit and seeks a shining ideal. Aries and Virgo ride together on a mutual search for truth and loveliness, but when their snow-white steeds reach a fork in the road, they take off in different directions. The Rams blindly and instinctively believe they'll find what they’re looking for, despite all disappointments and the apparent impossibil- ity of success. Virgos have little or no hope of ever actually discovering the Holy Grail, and even if they did, you can be sure they would find a chip in it. Still, regardless of all these split-offs in their personality patterns, the Ram and the Virgin, when their paths cross, can ?nd a strange comfort in their relationship. If it’s business, admiration and respect-—-and a mutual
desire to help one another —will nearly always result from the association. If it's friendship, it will probably take a business twist somewhere along the way. In the family circle, there's also much warm satisfaction possible through this blending of the two divergent natures, in?uenced by the 6-8 Sun Sign Pattern vibration.
Aries and Virgo often con?de things in each other they would never tell anyoneelse. They seem to sense. that the mutual trust implied by intimate confession won't be violated—-and it seldom is, though the Ram may ?nd it hard to conceive of how the situation described by Virgo could ever have developed, considering his or her own outlook. Likewise, the Virgin will sincerely sympathize with the Rams experiences, even while privately failing to comprehend why they were ever permitted to occur. Yet, no matter how close Aries and Virgo may be, Aries will feel deeply Virgo's frown of displeasure when he (or she) is late for an appointment, goofs off, or becomes careless and irresponsible. It's never as easy for the Ram to enjoy work as it is for the Virgin. What Aries views as harmless procrastina- tion, Virgo interprets as an almost sinful waste of valuable time. Of course, after office, study, or family obligations are properly attended to (all of which may take endless time and attention), when there are no guilty twinges because everything is nicely snuggled away in its own cubbyhole-—the Virgins often lead rather interesting and, in rare cases, even shockingly unorthodox private lives, when they lose those compulsive worries. Sooner or later, after these two have spent a reasonable amount of time together, the Rams will be sure to remind Virgo of his or her inclination toward unnecessary worry and receive a reply like, “What compulsive worries? I don’t allow things to bother me to excess." Whereupon Aries is likely to retort, “Oh, no '9 How about the morning last week when you missed your daily shower because you couldn't find the Ivory Soap, and you won't use any other kind-—spilled a drop of ink on your shoe, and found a fly in your soup at lunch ? You had a splitting headache and nervous indigestion for days afterward." The Virgo rejoinder probably will be, “That is somewhat exaggerated
and incorrect. The indigestion lasted only three hours and forty-five minutes, and it was caused by that dreadful, greasy soup I ate, not by my nerves. The headache lasted sixty-five minutes—not several days--and was the result of my not getting enough sleep the night before, not from compulsive worries. , l missed my shower, not because I couldrft ?nd the particular bar of soap Ialways use, but because I was late for an appointment. As for the ink, naturally I was a little upset about ruining a twenty-two-dollar pair of shoes
I've only worn for a couple of years. I can’t afford to be as casual about money as you are." » That last remark is Virgo’s tactful way of accusing Aries of being extravagant. Virgins are careful to maintain scrupulous politeness when they’re annoyed, $0 their irritability is softened by their typical courtesy Because Virgos are so analytical and fond of clarity, Aries people are inclined to look on them as picky and cold. Far from being cold, however, Virgos are the most inwardly sentimental of all the Sun Signs. (The important word in that sentence is “inwardly.” It causes all the misunderstandings.) Their very discrimination itself implies high ideals for things and people to live up to, and when they don't-—well, anyone would be cranky once in a while, from being so constantly disillusioned. Virgos are frequently nervous around Aries people because the Virgins dislike being openly firm—and dealing with a Ram requires, at times, being openly firm The Arian impulsiveness can cause Virgo to feel secretly inadequate because of being helpless to change a situation, so they’ll sometimes try to cover the feeling with a judgmental attitude—-a kind of silent disapproval. It doesn’t really matter what kind it is. Any kind of disapproval will annoy Aries, even if it's only vaguely implied and not verbalized It is, nevertheless, felt or sensed. The typical Aries man or woman isn't looking for reasonable discussions or cool, sensible Virgo remarks about right and wrong, what's proper and practical, and what is not. Rams respond beautifully to generosity of spirit in others—and quite unpleasantly to stu?iness or criticism Aries will often rebel and struggle for identity in a close association with a Virgo because he (or she) considers calm, rational talks a cold substitution for affectionate warmth, friendliness, and an open-hearted manner. Yet, when there’s a favorable aspect between the Sun and Moon in the charts, Aries and Virgo can grace one another with many mutual blessings. In an Aries-Virgo association where there is such a harmonious Luminary in?uence, the Ram may surprise himself (or herself) by following Virgo's quiet example and paying serious attention to Vi.rgo’s always well-meant and helpful advice. “And the Virgins will surprise themselves too, by allowing the Rams to coax them into losing many of their inhibitions and dropping a few layers of their usually sedate behavior. All it really takes for this combination to blend smoothly is for each person to spend more time concentrating on the virtues of the other, rather than dwelling on the differences. The clerk in the supermarket who. frowns at the cash register and crankily scolds you for not taking your place in line is probably a Virgo. But the softly smiling, mild-mannered, and bright clerk who courteously answers your questions about where the soybean patties are kept and when the fresh
melons will be available, and cheerfully helps you pick up the things that spilled from your cart is probably also a Virgo. _ The customer who aggressively demands to be waited on immediately in a store, than leaves all the clothes hanging on a peg in the dressing room, after trying them on impatiently and deciding they all look dreadful —is probably an Aries. But the friendly, trusting person who will loan a stranded, out-of- town stranger ten dollars without even asking why it’s needed is probably also an Aries. The thing of which Virgo is seldom aware is that Aries senses unerringly whether the Virgins concern over his or her welfare stems from genuine devotion, affection, and friendliness—or merely from a dutiful obligation. And when it stems from the latter, the Ram would just as soon try to manage alone as to accept help from someone whose true sympathy and heart isn't involved in the offer, however much he (or she) may need Virgo’s assistance and advice. As far apart as they seem to be at ?rst glance, however, Aries and Virgo can stumble upon some happy surprises when they hike along together and take care to avoid the thistles, brambles, and thorns of disagreement In the Ram, the Virgin can ?nd someone really worthy of helping toward achieve- ment, someone who will generously shower Virgo with a warmly enthusiastic and touching gratitude in return, someone who may even be able to unlock the little doors of those Virgo inhibitions and private longings. In the Virgin, the Rams can find the sincere appreciation they need—and a heart as honest
and loyal as their own. Virgo can teach Aries to discover beauty in small things, to know the wisdom of wajting—to believe in the eventual success of patience. Aries can teach Virgos to discover and believe in themselves,
Earth — Afutable —- Negative
Ruled by Mercury (also by
the Planet Vulcan)
Symbol: The Virgin
Fire—— Cardinal -—Positive
Ruled by Mars
Symbol: The Ram
Day Forces—-Masculine
Night Forces—Feminine _
The ARIBS- VIRGO Relationship
Indeed they were constantly bumping . . . if
they saw a cloud in front of them, the more
they tried to avoid it, the more certainly
did they bump into it.
A ries likes to generalize, hates to bother with details, and is bored by meticulous analysis. Virgo is meticulous, lilces to analyze details, and abhors generalities. That gives you some idea of the distance between these two Sun Signs to begin with——and now that we’ve begun, here are a few more. .
‘ Rams initiate all their actions from pure feeling—they trust their emotions and are skeptical of undue practicality. Virgos are practical, they trust their mentality, and are skeptical of pure feelings and emotions. When Aries people are upset, they'll usually shout it from the rooftops and open up their grievances to air them out. When Virgos are upset, they keep it buried inside and shut up their grievances to gather the rust of resentment. Rams are careless of their physical health, yet they're seldom chronically ill. Virgos are extremely careful of their physical health, yet they frequently complain of assorted symptoms of illness. And that’s only a partial list of their differences. 'Both of them are usually quick to help others, although their motivations are somewhat different. Arians do it because it makes them feel good to be the cause of happiness, since it proves to them that they can pull off a minor miracle anytime the occasion arises. Virgos do it because it gives a Virgin the nervous twidgets to stand by and see confusion adding up to chaos, when a little clear thinking would, in their practical opinion, untangle all the snarls. lt’s instinctive for a Virgo to step in, take a nip and tuck here and there, then go on his or her way without either waiting for or desiring any thanks. Aries
won’t wait around too long for thanks either, but you'd better believe the Ram desires it. If it isn't forthcoming, Aries will be both hurt and angry, unlike Virgo, who doesn't really expect too much of people anyway, and is therefore capable of shrugging off ingratitude by chalking it up as just another one of the many imperfections of human nature. It's true that both of them lean toward purity of purpose. Each wistfully
longs for the beauty of the spirit and seeks a shining ideal. Aries and Virgo ride together on a mutual search for truth and loveliness, but when their snow-white steeds reach a fork in the road, they take off in different directions. The Rams blindly and instinctively believe they'll find what they’re looking for, despite all disappointments and the apparent impossibil- ity of success. Virgos have little or no hope of ever actually discovering the Holy Grail, and even if they did, you can be sure they would find a chip in it. Still, regardless of all these split-offs in their personality patterns, the Ram and the Virgin, when their paths cross, can ?nd a strange comfort in their relationship. If it’s business, admiration and respect-—-and a mutual
desire to help one another —will nearly always result from the association. If it's friendship, it will probably take a business twist somewhere along the way. In the family circle, there's also much warm satisfaction possible through this blending of the two divergent natures, in?uenced by the 6-8 Sun Sign Pattern vibration.
Aries and Virgo often con?de things in each other they would never tell anyoneelse. They seem to sense. that the mutual trust implied by intimate confession won't be violated—-and it seldom is, though the Ram may ?nd it hard to conceive of how the situation described by Virgo could ever have developed, considering his or her own outlook. Likewise, the Virgin will sincerely sympathize with the Rams experiences, even while privately failing to comprehend why they were ever permitted to occur. Yet, no matter how close Aries and Virgo may be, Aries will feel deeply Virgo's frown of displeasure when he (or she) is late for an appointment, goofs off, or becomes careless and irresponsible. It's never as easy for the Ram to enjoy work as it is for the Virgin. What Aries views as harmless procrastina- tion, Virgo interprets as an almost sinful waste of valuable time. Of course, after office, study, or family obligations are properly attended to (all of which may take endless time and attention), when there are no guilty twinges because everything is nicely snuggled away in its own cubbyhole-—the Virgins often lead rather interesting and, in rare cases, even shockingly unorthodox private lives, when they lose those compulsive worries. Sooner or later, after these two have spent a reasonable amount of time together, the Rams will be sure to remind Virgo of his or her inclination toward unnecessary worry and receive a reply like, “What compulsive worries? I don’t allow things to bother me to excess." Whereupon Aries is likely to retort, “Oh, no '9 How about the morning last week when you missed your daily shower because you couldn't find the Ivory Soap, and you won't use any other kind-—spilled a drop of ink on your shoe, and found a fly in your soup at lunch ? You had a splitting headache and nervous indigestion for days afterward." The Virgo rejoinder probably will be, “That is somewhat exaggerated
and incorrect. The indigestion lasted only three hours and forty-five minutes, and it was caused by that dreadful, greasy soup I ate, not by my nerves. The headache lasted sixty-five minutes—not several days--and was the result of my not getting enough sleep the night before, not from compulsive worries. , l missed my shower, not because I couldrft ?nd the particular bar of soap Ialways use, but because I was late for an appointment. As for the ink, naturally I was a little upset about ruining a twenty-two-dollar pair of shoes
I've only worn for a couple of years. I can’t afford to be as casual about money as you are." » That last remark is Virgo’s tactful way of accusing Aries of being extravagant. Virgins are careful to maintain scrupulous politeness when they’re annoyed, $0 their irritability is softened by their typical courtesy Because Virgos are so analytical and fond of clarity, Aries people are inclined to look on them as picky and cold. Far from being cold, however, Virgos are the most inwardly sentimental of all the Sun Signs. (The important word in that sentence is “inwardly.” It causes all the misunderstandings.) Their very discrimination itself implies high ideals for things and people to live up to, and when they don't-—well, anyone would be cranky once in a while, from being so constantly disillusioned. Virgos are frequently nervous around Aries people because the Virgins dislike being openly firm—and dealing with a Ram requires, at times, being openly firm The Arian impulsiveness can cause Virgo to feel secretly inadequate because of being helpless to change a situation, so they’ll sometimes try to cover the feeling with a judgmental attitude—-a kind of silent disapproval. It doesn’t really matter what kind it is. Any kind of disapproval will annoy Aries, even if it's only vaguely implied and not verbalized It is, nevertheless, felt or sensed. The typical Aries man or woman isn't looking for reasonable discussions or cool, sensible Virgo remarks about right and wrong, what's proper and practical, and what is not. Rams respond beautifully to generosity of spirit in others—and quite unpleasantly to stu?iness or criticism Aries will often rebel and struggle for identity in a close association with a Virgo because he (or she) considers calm, rational talks a cold substitution for affectionate warmth, friendliness, and an open-hearted manner. Yet, when there’s a favorable aspect between the Sun and Moon in the charts, Aries and Virgo can grace one another with many mutual blessings. In an Aries-Virgo association where there is such a harmonious Luminary in?uence, the Ram may surprise himself (or herself) by following Virgo's quiet example and paying serious attention to Vi.rgo’s always well-meant and helpful advice. “And the Virgins will surprise themselves too, by allowing the Rams to coax them into losing many of their inhibitions and dropping a few layers of their usually sedate behavior. All it really takes for this combination to blend smoothly is for each person to spend more time concentrating on the virtues of the other, rather than dwelling on the differences. The clerk in the supermarket who. frowns at the cash register and crankily scolds you for not taking your place in line is probably a Virgo. But the softly smiling, mild-mannered, and bright clerk who courteously answers your questions about where the soybean patties are kept and when the fresh
melons will be available, and cheerfully helps you pick up the things that spilled from your cart is probably also a Virgo. _ The customer who aggressively demands to be waited on immediately in a store, than leaves all the clothes hanging on a peg in the dressing room, after trying them on impatiently and deciding they all look dreadful —is probably an Aries. But the friendly, trusting person who will loan a stranded, out-of- town stranger ten dollars without even asking why it’s needed is probably also an Aries. The thing of which Virgo is seldom aware is that Aries senses unerringly whether the Virgins concern over his or her welfare stems from genuine devotion, affection, and friendliness—or merely from a dutiful obligation. And when it stems from the latter, the Ram would just as soon try to manage alone as to accept help from someone whose true sympathy and heart isn't involved in the offer, however much he (or she) may need Virgo’s assistance and advice. As far apart as they seem to be at ?rst glance, however, Aries and Virgo can stumble upon some happy surprises when they hike along together and take care to avoid the thistles, brambles, and thorns of disagreement In the Ram, the Virgin can ?nd someone really worthy of helping toward achieve- ment, someone who will generously shower Virgo with a warmly enthusiastic and touching gratitude in return, someone who may even be able to unlock the little doors of those Virgo inhibitions and private longings. In the Virgin, the Rams can find the sincere appreciation they need—and a heart as honest
and loyal as their own. Virgo can teach Aries to discover beauty in small things, to know the wisdom of wajting—to believe in the eventual success of patience. Aries can teach Virgos to discover and believe in themselves,
Tuesday, 25 March 2014

and we return to them as their mouths close,
and their arms fall to their sides. The pandemontum
above has ceased almost as suddenly as it
arose, passed like a ?erce gust of wind; but they know
that in the passing it has determined their fate.
affection, and there is in her manner the quiet sweetness of a female who is completely ful?lled as a woman. He gazes at her with open admiration, even proudly permits her to be the center of attention when they have company; yet there's always the distinct impression that he is the man of the house. It's not that these two clon’t have their share of disagreements. Psychiatrists are no more immune from occasional emotional tension than dentists are immune from a toothache. But between Fire Signs, a temporary clash of wills brings the spice of excitement. . and the much—to-be-desired lifting oi spirits that comes with making up. An occasional quarrel keeps Aries and Leo from taking love for granted, which can be boring and uninspiring. These lovers have a basic need for periodic re-charging of their initial passion. Aries men are always driving hard toward some goal, and there's a chance the Ram may be so intent on getting where he's going he may tail to praise her enough. When a Leo woman feels she's not being properly appreciated, she becomes cold, indifferent --and even lazy. She either neglects her femininity, taking no interest in her appearance (a sad and serious warning symptom of her inner agony), or she’ll turn to the opposite reaction, placing undue concentration on glamour, and openly soliciting the attentions of other men. The Aries male who will accept his woman's flirtations or an actual aitair with another man has not yet been born. The merest suggestion of in?delity will produce a wild scene of jealousy. In the long run, this may be helpful, if it causes him to realize he’s been neglecting to pay her the romantic homage she'll always seek as long as she lives. Actually, neither of these two can be said to be untouched by jealousy. Now and then, one may get the notion it might be “fun” to tease the other just a little by pretending an interest in another person. The resulting free- tor-all between these two Fire Signs is usually about as "fun" as tickling an angry gorilla under the chin with a feather. A Leo woman needs to be told frequently how rnuch—- and why --she is loved. Then she won't be so suspicious of the time he must spend away from her. The Ram who spoils his majestic mate won’t be sorry. She may be somewhat demanding, but that's not as hard to live with as her disposition when she’s neglected. When this woman fancies she's being ignored, she will begin to attach unreasonable importance to triiles. The very same reaction to being ignored can be expected from the Ram. He can, with enough provocation, imaginary or real, be almost childish in his demands, downright petulant with resentment when he thinks he's not being loved or noticed enough. Experiencing ingratitude will drive him into ?ery anger- and her into frozen hurt. In both oi them, the desire for adulation is over- emphasized, yet still a necessity for self-respect. When they don't ?nd enough of it in the outside world, which they seldom do, they can give this valuable gift to each other, to make up for the lack oi it elsewhere. Sexually, they are unusually well mated. Their mutual instinct for uninhibited passion in lovemaking is tempered with their shared need for tender affection. Although they are both lovers, in the warmest sense of the word, they are also both idealists. A gentle kiss on the cheek is as important to her. and to him, as the more erotic expressions of sexual Oneness. The Aries man possesses within his nature an abundance of both sentiment and lire, which never fails to bring an answering response from the Lioness. What they are both searching for, when it comes to physical ful?llment, is the wild abandonment of Lady Chatterley and her lover, mixed with the poetic tenderness of Elizabeth Barrett and Robert Browning—-in equal parts. The chances are much better that the;/‘ll ?nd this rare emotional blend with each other than with most others. if anything disturbs their idyllic sexual relationship, it will be his resentment of her old ?ames. Old ?ames have a way of never dying out with a Leo woman. The coals still burn, years later, not because she wants to rekindle a discarded affair, but because she's reluctant to part with souvenirs of past worship and adoration. These memories never lose their luster for her. If the Ram should come across any of her old love letters, which she may save and read periodically to feed her romantic hunger, he’ll be nearly as hurt and furious as if he had caught her in an actual act of in?delity. He'll probably question her about her past loves reproachfully, whether she saved the mash notes or not.‘ Since she's sure to brag a little, perhaps even exaggerate the whole thing, he’ll lose his cherished illusion that he’s the only male who ever came close to conquering her-—and losing that illusion can seriously harm their sexual harmony. Aries must be ?rst (and last) in thegame of love, as in every other game he plays. He also likes to be ?rst in getting attention at parties; therefore he may not ignore any females who
glance at him with admiring interest. (Rams are not selfish, just thoughtless sometimes.) _What happens then? How can you ask? Remember that the Lioness wants everyone to know she's adored by the man she has allowed to love her. He would be unwise to so humiliate her before others, however innocent his intent, because this woman will not tolerate such an affront to her dignity. She may be con?dent enough of her own charms to be certain that she’s adored by her lover or husband. but it’s important to her for others to be equally aware of this Let him peel a grape for another woman in public, and he’ll see his bright, sunny and affectionate mate transformed into a clawing cat before his eyes or worse into a marble statue of icy disapproval. Later, when they’re»alone. there will be an emotional explosion. r But they'll make up, almost before her tears have dried and there will be another reason for him to tell her how dear she IS to him. and mean it—— another chance for her to let him know how much she needs him —an0ther chance for both of them to assure each other how shallow they find other people after experiencing the depth of their own kind of love and friendship. For the Ram and the Lion are graced with this most desirable of all blessings from the gods—the ability to be friends. as well as lovers Thev may take tums in?icting unintentional emotional hurt but in every other way thew trust each other more than they trust anyone else A disagreement always brings home this happy truth to them when it’s over That’s the beautiful thing about quarrels between Kries and Leo. unlike quarrels between other Sun Signs As the bitter chill in the air when you walk through winter wincts makes the coming of spring a great miracle, the misery caused by hurt pride makes being happy together after almost losing each other even sweeter than before. The impulsive, impetuous Ram will ?nd a warm home in the heart of the Leo woman, and she will lionize her Aries mate. In return he'll bring to her the splendid gift of himself—all of himself—and that's something he never quite gave to anyone until he found her

cleverness of me!” Wendy was shocked. “You conceit,” she exclaimed. . . .
of course I did nothing!’ ' "You did a little,” Peter said carelessly, and
continued to dance.
A love affair between a Lion and a Ram, although it can be a warm and wonderful experience, will also produce frequent emotional storms—espe- cially when they've frozen each other’s considerable pride into icicles. But icicles melt quickly between two Fire Signs, and storms have a way of clearing the air, so that afterward, everything looks all fresh and green again. It often starts like this: he promises to call her at five o’ clock, then doesn’t phone till midnight, and refuses to apologize. He tells her she cant spell, and she wears too much makeup. Then he tells her to shut up, and listen to him for a change. He does what P Well, that slices it. She’s had enough of his overbearing arrogance, and impulsively decides to toss him out of her life. Who needs him anyway, with his bossy Napoleon routine ? She does. With all her independent “I can take care of myself" airs, at last she's found someone who knows she can't, and who calls her bluff. It's no good telling him to “go get lost.” That's just what he w0n’t do. Later, she'll remember how his voice was warrn and gentle when he ?nally called, never mind the lateness. She’ll recall how affectionately he scolded her about the purple eye shadow, and spelling "cat" with two t's. Maybe he was only being tenderly protective instead of insufferably condescending and maybe she should forgive him. (She might as well. She's been conquered. Now she knows how Josephine felt, not to mention France.) It won’t be long until he's instructing her in all sorts of things she wasn‘t even aware she didn’t know until he came along to point out her ignorance What's more, she’ll shock herself by blissfully basking in it. Of course, after the novelty wears off, she’ll come down off the ceiling and top him a few times, just to keep the score from getting lopsided—and her Big Cat will discover how a Lion feels in a cage with a Lion tamer. First surprised, then resentful . then outraged. But ?nally subdued. Or at least, ?nally willing to smooth the rough edges of his superiority complex. Actually, her ?ery temperament is all right with him, as long as it doesn't reach the place where it interferes with—or outshines-—his own. It never will. He's concerned over nothing, really. Since when did Mars ever outshine the Sun ? Interfering with his own is another matter. This is the powerfully magnetic 5-9 Sun Sign Pattern, and so, when these two Fire Signs see Venus together, the romantic scene is explosive, but it’s also a blinding light turned on an enchanted garden. Maybe those old dreams he packed away aren't so impossible after all. They’re his dreams, aren't they 7’ That’s enough to make her positive they’ll come true--and Mars faith makes mountains ?y! As for her domineering ways and ?ashing independence. these are only distress signals for someone to guide her in the right direction. Isn’t that what Lions do best—-organize other people’s lives, and save them from their own mistakes? She's certainly a challenge, and when did a Leo ever run away from a challenge ? She may sock him in his masculinity with some rough blows, but Lions aren't weaklings. He should just sock her righ back (figuratively) and let her know that he’s the one who whistles for taxis and things. After he directs her Mars energy into his own groove, he can relax—while she supplies all the fire he needs, when he needs it—and he does need it. Since he's more practical and sensible (Leo is a Fixed Sign, remember), she'll sometimes accuse him of being pokey and stuffy. Since she has more instant vitality, sometimes he'll accuse her of wearing him out. Eventually, she’ll loosen him up—and he’ll slow her down—so it will come out even, and they'll both be ahead. Most of their quarrels will be instigated deliberately anyway, on a subconscious (occasionally conscious) level, for the pure pleasure of making up and reassuring themselves of each other’s love. Reconciliations provide the repeated thrill of feeling the magic all over again Their friends may wonder why they stay together, ?ghting the way they do, but they’ll know why.- For one thing, they don't spend all their time together in dispute. In?uenced by the 5-9 vibration as they are, they will have many moments that will be marvelous and mad, merry and miraculous, full of lilacs and raindrops, druid dust, violets and enchanted carousels. Her genuine guileless~ ness moves him strangely, touching a chord of response in his own idealistic heart. Her sparkling excitement is contagious, matching his own sunny enthusiasms. Aries is the symbolic Infant of the zodiac (as explained in the Twelve Mysteries of Love section in the front of this book); therefore her naivete and air of innocence stir some deep well of tenderness in him. He’s compelled to protect this bright, brave spirit, who, like the real infant, hasn't
the slightest notion how many yawning chasms lie in wait for her to stumble
into in the darkness. He'll help her avoid them, affectionately, with his wiser, more mature judgement, for Leo is ahead of Aries on the karmic wheel of life. She will, living up to the “infant essence" of her Sun Sign, stop
demanding her needs, and lose her fear of falling with no one there to catch her, once she's experienced the warm security of the Lion's devotion. His strong arms will catch her if she falls, and he's clearly capable of meeting any needs she may have And so, she relaxes, becomes calmer. more tranquil gently soothed by the Lions loyal lullaby of love. A Mars-ruled woman admires strength, of both the physical and the moral sort, and this man possesses it, She will place her trust in no other kind of male, however much she may struggle against submission. Aries and Leo strike a powerful vibration of physical response in each other. which is intensi?ed by constant emotional stimulation. Sexual expres~ sion between them can be wonderfully healing, because each fulfills what the other requires of mating passion, blended with affection.- That's not as common a need as -you may think Most people desire——and are able to give~ only one or the other. not both The result could be a stirring of feelings they both thought were safely buried with the lost ideals childhood That’s pretty heady stuff. the kind of happiness they'll pursue together at almost any cost in temporary tears or heartache or punctured pride. But Leo won't pay the price of being possessed for it. He wants to roam the jungle, unfettered by the clanking chains of jealousy. So does she. Therefore, does the "freedom" bit work both ways ? It does not. She’ll have to give him plenty of rope, while he’ll permit ‘her
just about enough with which to hang herself. As frustrating as it is for the Aries woman to turn the other cheek to her Leo lover or husband, it's immeasurably more agonizing for the proud Lion to humble himself. Humility is a virtue he constantly preaches but nearly never practices. She'll have to be the one to forgive first, and try to understand. I wish her luck and courage. She'll need it. Their sexual compatibility will not be without some sharp growing pains. A girl Ram has this strange quirk. She knows how small her chances are of ?nding a male virgin, but she comprehends this with her head. Her Mars- ruled heart has other ideas. Incredible though it may seem, she’d like to believe she’s the ?rst woman he's ever touched, whispered to or conquered sexually. Since romance is as natural as breathing to Leo males, she's indulging in a vain hope. When she prods him into admitting every passionate sigh in his past, with names, dates and places included, this fact will be driven home. All right, so he’s made love to other women. She'll accept that, though it will be painful. (Rams always face unpleasant truths with courage, once they're recognized as inevitable.) But another shimmering Aries dream must yet be subjected to the cold, hard realities of human nature. It doesn't have to follow that he enjoyed it, does it? Perhaps he was seduced; maybe some vixen handcuffed him or tied him with ropes while he struggled desperately, and he still has nightmares about the
ugliness of it all? Now, there's no use expecting a Leo male to plead frigidity. He’s too proud and honest. No, he wasn't tied to the bedpost with square knots, or handcuffed. (Remember, we’re talking about romantic experiences before they met, past tense. There's no way she'll be able to forgive or forget a present or future tense in?delity, not after they've given themselves to each other, and made a commitment. It isn’t that she won't forgive, she can't. That’s the way Aries is.) Anyway, after she tricks him into relating his former affairs by touching his swollen vanity, he’ll hasten to tell her that he didn't give his heart away to any of those girls, not until he found her. But she may not hear him. She'll be too busy picturing wild orgies. He doesn’t really belong to her, as he said. It was all an illusion. Her knight-in-shining-armour has muddy feet; his white horse has turned into a splotchy, grey donkey. It's this sort of shattered dream of misty purity that can destroy the sex-ual harmony between the Aries idealist and a Lion with a long romantic history behind him. Her past love life? That's different. It will be rationalized away by a dozen different excuses. She didn't enjoy it, you see. (I keep telling. you that Rams are unintentionally sel?sh.) ~ There are two possible solutions. The first one is for her to grow up emotionally and realize that the Present, if it's strong and beautiful and good, cannot be soiled by Yesterday, which is already gone and forgotten. In light of the typical Mars temperament, however, that solution is highly unlikely. It’s against her basic nature, unless she has a more detached and objective Moon Sign or Ascendent, like Gemini or Libra. (An Aquarian Moon or Ascendent will work too but may cause her to be too detached and objective to suit him, creating other problems.) The best solution is for the Lion to tell her frequently and periodically about the negative reactions he had to his discarded past sexual experiences (till she feels safe from falling into the darkness of loneliness)—-and then to enumerate all the aspects of his sexual ful?llment with her which are not only superior to the others but "firsts," between them alone. There’s no need to explain here the meaning of the word “firsts.” Any Aries-Leo couple will immediately understand. _ Her frank admiration of his courage and con?dence and wisdom arouses all the Leo male's masculinity (although she may also, at times, considerably dampen it with her other qualities). His firm refusal to be dominated brings out a latent femininity in her she never knew she possessed, and perhaps she didn't . until him. However, although she may submit to her Lion emotionally and sexually, she’ll never give up her individuality and indepen- dence, not even for him. He needs large amounts of worship to feed his hungry ego, and to her worship is analogous to meekness, a quality she’s never acquired. Leo will give her ample opportunity to cultivate it. She knows he's stronger than she is, and this turns her on. Yet, if he uses his strength to boss her around like an arrogant male chauvinist, it will turn her right off again. An Aries girl will never conform to any form of feudal feminine fiefdom. But she'd better take it easy if she wants to be liberated by this Lord and Master. When she demands her rights, he'll roar at her in frustration a Great and Mighty Truth: "I can only permit you to be my equal if you ?rst acknowledge my superiority l" It shouldn't be difficult for an intelligent Aries girl to interpret such a command. It simply means that a proud Leo King, whose supreme sovereignty has been properly and duly recognized, will then have the con?dence and power to place his Aries Queen on a throne as high as his own, and allow her to reign beside him. (She can wear the diamond tiara, but he'll hang on to the sceptre.) She’ll admire him, respect him and love him intensely. .She will also remain quite fond of herself, and of doing her own thing—though she may permit him to show her how to do it. There will be moments when he drowns
her enthusiasm by scolding away her hopes with Leonine practicality. There will be other times when she wounds his pride by interrupting him, or forgetting to ask his advice. Then he'll freeze her with his regal dignity, and she'll outrage him with her stormy anger. But when his icy aloofness melts,
and her fury subsides, happiness will always return to these two. After the ?ames of indignation have ?ared and died away, the overwhelming need to run into each other’s forgiving arms again will create the miracle of spring- eternal magic.
As with all 5-9 Sun Sign Pattern couples, the Ram and the Lion will discover that their devotion for each other spills over into a larger love and compassion, because their powerful trined Suns vibration is in?uenced by the benevolence of the 9th house ruler, Jupiter. Every 5-9 Sun Sign association in which the two people involved are really serious, feels Jupiter's bene?cent rays, to some degree, in their relationship. When you really love someone all the way through, I mean love him (or her) so much that everything seems to
be part of everything else, you understand better how everybody feels. You know how it is with people when they hurt, when they’re lonely. Somehow, you want to share with them your own peace and joy. And in some manner, you find a way, together, to do this. _ Love is a benediction to Aries and Leo because of what they see when they look deeply into each other's eyes. He sees a woman vulnerable enough
to need his wisdom, yet independent enough to challenge and stimulate him. She sees a man gentle enough to treat her tenderly, yet strong enough to protect and conquer her. And they both see .. .. something else. ... some mystery of Yesterday, some promise for Tomorrow . . . . something they can't de?ne, accompanied by the music of memory. Between Aries and >Leo, the chemistry is right. The moment they touch, then together make a wish on Venus in the morning sky, whole waiting galaxies of stars are watching in
wonderous joy, and making a wish on them . . . in anticipation that the birth of love between these two might herald the long ago prophecies of Peace promised to the world . . . “when the lamb shall lie down with the Lion.”
ARIES ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, LEO
Fire -— Cardinal —- Positive Fire — Fixed —- Positive -
Ruled by Mars Ruled by the Sun
Symbol: The Ram Symbols: Lion ('2' Shy Pussy-
Day Forces -— Masculine cat
Day Forces —— Masculine

The ARIES- LEO Relationship,
"So are you a cowardly custard."
‘Tm not frightened."
Neither am I frightened.”
Well, then. take it "
“Well, then, you take it.
M0st everyone knows that Leo is symbolized by the Lion. As for Aries Rams, once they've been taught (by Leo) the gentle joys of>subm1s~ sion, they become perfect lambs. Now. the Bible hints that when the
“lamb lies down with the Lion," we may expect either G6tterdiimmerung—- or 1,000 years of Peace. There's some dispute between theologians and metaphysicians as to the happy or sad ending of the prophecy It could be a combination of both. Most things are. Let’s hope. however that the lamb lying down with the Lion will bring permanent Peace. and not the Glitter- diimmerung (end of the world). Of course, it might be argued that a truce to the clubbing around of these two would seem like the end of the world A smooth, snoozy relationship between them would be the living end-—of something. Possibly of all the fun they have racing each other to the ?nish line, and competing for the cheers of the lesser animals. Rams are winners. Indisputably. Winning is their chief occupation. They list it that way on their resumes. Occupation: WINNING! Whatever the game may be-—love, friendship, business or family life—they’ll win it.
That puts.Aries right at the top. Leos don't waste their valuable time trying to win anything. They don't need to compete. They were born superior to everyone else, clearly the most ‘important person in any love, business, friendship or family contest. That puts Leo right at the top too---with much less effort and energy. The question is, will there be room at the top ? ‘ V Well, yes in a large arena with lots of space, they could each grab a share of the spotlight and sweet rounds of applause. But on a stage of any smaller dimensions, like an office, schoolroom, apartment or house—it might get a little crowded. Something would have to give. Namely, someone’s gigantic ego. I'm not going to fool around with tact. It will hurt less if the message is direct and swift. It is the ego of the Ram that must bend and bow to the majesty of Leo, because the Lion and Lioness were born to lead, born to command, born to be first~—BORN FREE! That means free of anyone’s domination, including the government, the Internal Revenue, employers, teachers, neighbors, friends, relatives, astrologers—and especially pushy Rams. The Aries half of this team will have to be content with knowing he or she canlfight any of the other Sun Signs and win (well, maybe not Scorpio).
But all is not lost. (Aries considers nothing lost, just temporarily misplaced.) When I said Aries can’t win against Leo, I meant in the sense of grabbing the trophies in front of an audience. Privately, the Ram can win
just about anything from the Big,Cat, simply by listening rzspectfully to those long, Leonine lectures, heaping on the praise-—and keeping personal inten~ tions and opinions to himself (or herself). The ?rst part is easy. Aries enjoys lifting peoples spirits, and showering compliments on anyone who excites the Mars admiration of power and strength (which Leo has in abundance). However, keeping quiet about the ultimate goal is a tough order for most Rams. Aries people do like to boast about it when they win an election, a kewpie doll at the carnival or an argument. Too much bragging in this double Fire Sign combination, and the Leonine half of the team may stalk 05 in injured dignity, when it becomes obvious that he (or she) is being manipulated or out-staged, either of which shatters Leo’s pride. It’s no coincidence that a group of Lions is technically termed a “pride.” If a Lion or Lioness is in a position where stalking off in injured dignity is not possible (like an under-age child or a legal mate), he-—or she—will sit in a corner and pout, looking out with reproachful, sad eyes, and stroking his or her vanity. Then too, there’s always the chance that Leo will roar like the
MGM Lion,rand ?ercely attack the injustice perpetrated by ta mere peasant. That can be dreadfully noisy. It's safer for the Ram to allow a Leo of either sex believe that he (or she) has won any game the two of them might be playing. No one, in or out of the jungle, can be as magnanimous, cheerful and just plain-huggable as an emotionally and physically pampered’ Leo. Pampering, however, is a talent in which Aries de?nitely does not excel. Aesop, in his fables, points out how easy it is for the Lion to be managed by a lesser animal, the jackal. When the Lion becomes furious with him and roars in great anger, the clever jackal restores himself to royal favor easily- simply by reminding the Lion, at the height of his rage, that he's the King of
the Iungle, the Ruler of All Beasts, and therefore mustn't expect too much from a lowly jackal. It works like a charm. ' The trouble is, a Ram is not a jackal. Aries is more likely to order Leo, in the heat of battle (and ohl there will be battles) to either give in-or get out. This will immediately create an emotional dead-end street. Since giving in is a total impossibility for a Leo-and getting out is a cowardly action, beneath the dignity of royalty (what true monarch ever retreats P), the Lion or Lioness is left with no choice except to roar louder, with increasing arrogance. Eventually, when Aries discovers that even a Ram's tough horns will not topple that splendid Leonine courage and stamina (emotional, mental and physical), it’s all over but the shouting, which can last an exhausting length of time, since both these Sun Signs are rather fond of dramatic speech and posture.
“Howdare youl” “Don't raise your voice to me l" “Don’t give me orders l” "You won't get away with that l" "I will not do as you say l" “Oh, yes you will I" “This has gone far enough I” "Do you know who you're pushing around P" “You will do as I say l" "Neverl Do you hear me?
NEVER l” It goes on-—and on-—and on. If they sold tickets, they'd have a packed house. Nothing on or off Broadway has the dramatic irripact, suspense and action these two manage to pack into each Act of one of their Ego plays—-and the Finale inevitably calls for an Encore. I know one Aries- Leo pair who punctuate their turbulent sessions by taking turns ?ipping the volume up on the record player. Even hard-to-please Broadway critic Iohn Simon would call it a hit musical. However, although Leo must win in the ?nal analysis, this Sun Sign is not a conqueror to be feared, ready to grab the spoils of war and grind the vanquished beneath his (or her) boots. Both the Lions and Lionesses are noted for their generosity and nobility of attitude toward the defeated. Of course, it must be admitted that Rams are not good losers. But if it's possible for Aries to ever lose gracefully, it will be with a Leo. These Sun Signs are astrologically trine (harmonious) and in?uenced by the magical 5-9 Sun Sign Pattern (see the Sun Sign Patterns section in the
front of this book). Therefore, each senses the other’s superior qualities, when compared with anyone else either of them knows. Since a genuine admira- tion for each other is sel___d_om lacking, when peace descends and an armistice is declared, it’s often full of vows (dramatic, naturally) of eternal loyalty and devotion. Until the next battle. Then it starts all over again. In the family circle—-in the classroom or of?ce—or between lovers or legal mates-—the relationship can be a warm and happy one, as long as Aries is willing to look up to Leo as a guide, preceptor, counselor or teacher—ancl as long as Leo continues to wrap Aries in the cozy warmth of the kind of loving kindness and protectiveness the Sun-ruled can give so effortlessly. It will be, on the whole, a successful association, even though not always tranquil, because the Aries-Leo relationship is blessed by the grace of the magical 5-9 Sun Sign Pattern vibration. Leo will provide plenty of sincere and extravagant compliments, something Aries needs as the ?owers need rain. And vice versa. Totally vice versa. Both Aries and Leo not only seek appreciation, they quite frankly demand it. If one of them has a con?icting Moon Sign or Ascendent, their quarrels may be more serious and hurtful; yet forgiveness is, even then, usually the final resolution. One trouble area will be those long dissertations of wisdom from Leo, which often begin with the words, “Now, listen to me, and I'll explain how wrong you are." Since the Ram has enough trouble coping with bossy people in day-to-day living, to be forced to sit through the same sort of thing each night at dinner may ignite the very short fuse of the Mars temper but I’ll tell you a secret. Actually, Aries will privately give Leo a lot of credit, and sincerely respect the advice given so freely and constantly, a lot more than he or she lets on. This may be because the advice given by a Leo to Aries is so frequently cushioned in real affection and concern. Rams desperately need loving guidance, and the chances are better than average that they'll get it from the Lion—or Lioness. As long as it is clearly “loving,” not arrogantly authoritative. If only the Ram could learn to ask Leo to do things, instead of
commanding, “Do it now, and don’t ask questions”—the relationship be- tween them would be smoother. No one orders royalty around like that, not even Prime Ministers. It requires lots of effort for the Mars-ruled Ram to learn to be more gracious when trying to get Leo to do something, but it's an effort that must be made, or the struggle for dominance will disintegrate into continual dispute. When there is mutual consideration, this can be a singular and extraordi- nary relationship, for Leo senses the hidden insecurities and dependency just behind the spectacular, brave Aries personality. and knows the Rams surface sureness is not backed up by inner conviction-—while Aries will grow to depend on Leo, not just for the well-organized Leonine mind and steadiness in a storm, but also for the ability of his (or her) sunny nature to give warmth and meaning to each moment of life. The Ram knows how quivering and sensitive Leo's heart really is, never mind the cover of superiority and bravado. These two have much natural sympathy. You can tell it when they smile at each other. It's a strangely intimate smile, a grin of gratitude that says: “Thanks for understanding me-—I understand you too." In each other, Aries and Leo will ?nd the excitement they are constantly searching for. They're both essentially dynamic personalities, driven by a desire to live life fully, missing nothing. They know that stars grow wild, like a ?eld of daisies, somewhere high above and beyond the banal and the mundane. And even though their goals may be di?erent, unless one of them had the Moon or Ascendent in a more ?nancially cautious sign at birth, like Cancer, Scorpio or one of the three Earth Signs, they both believe in arriving at their destinations by traveling First Class, not just in a material sense but in every way. That may need some careful thought to be comprehended. We can take the world others created or imagine a new world. Aries and Leo would rather imagine a new one into manifesting, maybe the kind they dreamed of when they were children. This may be it, they muse when they meet, or at least the start of that new world. There’s no telling where it will lead . . but it won't be boring.
Fire -— Cardinal —- Positive Fire — Fixed —- Positive -
Ruled by Mars Ruled by the Sun
Symbol: The Ram Symbols: Lion ('2' Shy Pussy-
Day Forces -— Masculine cat
Day Forces —— Masculine

The ARIES- LEO Relationship,
"So are you a cowardly custard."
‘Tm not frightened."
Neither am I frightened.”
Well, then. take it "
“Well, then, you take it.
M0st everyone knows that Leo is symbolized by the Lion. As for Aries Rams, once they've been taught (by Leo) the gentle joys of>subm1s~ sion, they become perfect lambs. Now. the Bible hints that when the
“lamb lies down with the Lion," we may expect either G6tterdiimmerung—- or 1,000 years of Peace. There's some dispute between theologians and metaphysicians as to the happy or sad ending of the prophecy It could be a combination of both. Most things are. Let’s hope. however that the lamb lying down with the Lion will bring permanent Peace. and not the Glitter- diimmerung (end of the world). Of course, it might be argued that a truce to the clubbing around of these two would seem like the end of the world A smooth, snoozy relationship between them would be the living end-—of something. Possibly of all the fun they have racing each other to the ?nish line, and competing for the cheers of the lesser animals. Rams are winners. Indisputably. Winning is their chief occupation. They list it that way on their resumes. Occupation: WINNING! Whatever the game may be-—love, friendship, business or family life—they’ll win it.
That puts.Aries right at the top. Leos don't waste their valuable time trying to win anything. They don't need to compete. They were born superior to everyone else, clearly the most ‘important person in any love, business, friendship or family contest. That puts Leo right at the top too---with much less effort and energy. The question is, will there be room at the top ? ‘ V Well, yes in a large arena with lots of space, they could each grab a share of the spotlight and sweet rounds of applause. But on a stage of any smaller dimensions, like an office, schoolroom, apartment or house—it might get a little crowded. Something would have to give. Namely, someone’s gigantic ego. I'm not going to fool around with tact. It will hurt less if the message is direct and swift. It is the ego of the Ram that must bend and bow to the majesty of Leo, because the Lion and Lioness were born to lead, born to command, born to be first~—BORN FREE! That means free of anyone’s domination, including the government, the Internal Revenue, employers, teachers, neighbors, friends, relatives, astrologers—and especially pushy Rams. The Aries half of this team will have to be content with knowing he or she canlfight any of the other Sun Signs and win (well, maybe not Scorpio).
But all is not lost. (Aries considers nothing lost, just temporarily misplaced.) When I said Aries can’t win against Leo, I meant in the sense of grabbing the trophies in front of an audience. Privately, the Ram can win
just about anything from the Big,Cat, simply by listening rzspectfully to those long, Leonine lectures, heaping on the praise-—and keeping personal inten~ tions and opinions to himself (or herself). The ?rst part is easy. Aries enjoys lifting peoples spirits, and showering compliments on anyone who excites the Mars admiration of power and strength (which Leo has in abundance). However, keeping quiet about the ultimate goal is a tough order for most Rams. Aries people do like to boast about it when they win an election, a kewpie doll at the carnival or an argument. Too much bragging in this double Fire Sign combination, and the Leonine half of the team may stalk 05 in injured dignity, when it becomes obvious that he (or she) is being manipulated or out-staged, either of which shatters Leo’s pride. It’s no coincidence that a group of Lions is technically termed a “pride.” If a Lion or Lioness is in a position where stalking off in injured dignity is not possible (like an under-age child or a legal mate), he-—or she—will sit in a corner and pout, looking out with reproachful, sad eyes, and stroking his or her vanity. Then too, there’s always the chance that Leo will roar like the
MGM Lion,rand ?ercely attack the injustice perpetrated by ta mere peasant. That can be dreadfully noisy. It's safer for the Ram to allow a Leo of either sex believe that he (or she) has won any game the two of them might be playing. No one, in or out of the jungle, can be as magnanimous, cheerful and just plain-huggable as an emotionally and physically pampered’ Leo. Pampering, however, is a talent in which Aries de?nitely does not excel. Aesop, in his fables, points out how easy it is for the Lion to be managed by a lesser animal, the jackal. When the Lion becomes furious with him and roars in great anger, the clever jackal restores himself to royal favor easily- simply by reminding the Lion, at the height of his rage, that he's the King of
the Iungle, the Ruler of All Beasts, and therefore mustn't expect too much from a lowly jackal. It works like a charm. ' The trouble is, a Ram is not a jackal. Aries is more likely to order Leo, in the heat of battle (and ohl there will be battles) to either give in-or get out. This will immediately create an emotional dead-end street. Since giving in is a total impossibility for a Leo-and getting out is a cowardly action, beneath the dignity of royalty (what true monarch ever retreats P), the Lion or Lioness is left with no choice except to roar louder, with increasing arrogance. Eventually, when Aries discovers that even a Ram's tough horns will not topple that splendid Leonine courage and stamina (emotional, mental and physical), it’s all over but the shouting, which can last an exhausting length of time, since both these Sun Signs are rather fond of dramatic speech and posture.
“Howdare youl” “Don't raise your voice to me l" “Don’t give me orders l” "You won't get away with that l" "I will not do as you say l" “Oh, yes you will I" “This has gone far enough I” "Do you know who you're pushing around P" “You will do as I say l" "Neverl Do you hear me?
NEVER l” It goes on-—and on-—and on. If they sold tickets, they'd have a packed house. Nothing on or off Broadway has the dramatic irripact, suspense and action these two manage to pack into each Act of one of their Ego plays—-and the Finale inevitably calls for an Encore. I know one Aries- Leo pair who punctuate their turbulent sessions by taking turns ?ipping the volume up on the record player. Even hard-to-please Broadway critic Iohn Simon would call it a hit musical. However, although Leo must win in the ?nal analysis, this Sun Sign is not a conqueror to be feared, ready to grab the spoils of war and grind the vanquished beneath his (or her) boots. Both the Lions and Lionesses are noted for their generosity and nobility of attitude toward the defeated. Of course, it must be admitted that Rams are not good losers. But if it's possible for Aries to ever lose gracefully, it will be with a Leo. These Sun Signs are astrologically trine (harmonious) and in?uenced by the magical 5-9 Sun Sign Pattern (see the Sun Sign Patterns section in the
front of this book). Therefore, each senses the other’s superior qualities, when compared with anyone else either of them knows. Since a genuine admira- tion for each other is sel___d_om lacking, when peace descends and an armistice is declared, it’s often full of vows (dramatic, naturally) of eternal loyalty and devotion. Until the next battle. Then it starts all over again. In the family circle—-in the classroom or of?ce—or between lovers or legal mates-—the relationship can be a warm and happy one, as long as Aries is willing to look up to Leo as a guide, preceptor, counselor or teacher—ancl as long as Leo continues to wrap Aries in the cozy warmth of the kind of loving kindness and protectiveness the Sun-ruled can give so effortlessly. It will be, on the whole, a successful association, even though not always tranquil, because the Aries-Leo relationship is blessed by the grace of the magical 5-9 Sun Sign Pattern vibration. Leo will provide plenty of sincere and extravagant compliments, something Aries needs as the ?owers need rain. And vice versa. Totally vice versa. Both Aries and Leo not only seek appreciation, they quite frankly demand it. If one of them has a con?icting Moon Sign or Ascendent, their quarrels may be more serious and hurtful; yet forgiveness is, even then, usually the final resolution. One trouble area will be those long dissertations of wisdom from Leo, which often begin with the words, “Now, listen to me, and I'll explain how wrong you are." Since the Ram has enough trouble coping with bossy people in day-to-day living, to be forced to sit through the same sort of thing each night at dinner may ignite the very short fuse of the Mars temper but I’ll tell you a secret. Actually, Aries will privately give Leo a lot of credit, and sincerely respect the advice given so freely and constantly, a lot more than he or she lets on. This may be because the advice given by a Leo to Aries is so frequently cushioned in real affection and concern. Rams desperately need loving guidance, and the chances are better than average that they'll get it from the Lion—or Lioness. As long as it is clearly “loving,” not arrogantly authoritative. If only the Ram could learn to ask Leo to do things, instead of
commanding, “Do it now, and don’t ask questions”—the relationship be- tween them would be smoother. No one orders royalty around like that, not even Prime Ministers. It requires lots of effort for the Mars-ruled Ram to learn to be more gracious when trying to get Leo to do something, but it's an effort that must be made, or the struggle for dominance will disintegrate into continual dispute. When there is mutual consideration, this can be a singular and extraordi- nary relationship, for Leo senses the hidden insecurities and dependency just behind the spectacular, brave Aries personality. and knows the Rams surface sureness is not backed up by inner conviction-—while Aries will grow to depend on Leo, not just for the well-organized Leonine mind and steadiness in a storm, but also for the ability of his (or her) sunny nature to give warmth and meaning to each moment of life. The Ram knows how quivering and sensitive Leo's heart really is, never mind the cover of superiority and bravado. These two have much natural sympathy. You can tell it when they smile at each other. It's a strangely intimate smile, a grin of gratitude that says: “Thanks for understanding me-—I understand you too." In each other, Aries and Leo will ?nd the excitement they are constantly searching for. They're both essentially dynamic personalities, driven by a desire to live life fully, missing nothing. They know that stars grow wild, like a ?eld of daisies, somewhere high above and beyond the banal and the mundane. And even though their goals may be di?erent, unless one of them had the Moon or Ascendent in a more ?nancially cautious sign at birth, like Cancer, Scorpio or one of the three Earth Signs, they both believe in arriving at their destinations by traveling First Class, not just in a material sense but in every way. That may need some careful thought to be comprehended. We can take the world others created or imagine a new world. Aries and Leo would rather imagine a new one into manifesting, maybe the kind they dreamed of when they were children. This may be it, they muse when they meet, or at least the start of that new world. There’s no telling where it will lead . . but it won't be boring.

“Hullo, Wendy,” he said, not noticing any di?erence,
for he was thinking chie?y of himself.
“Hullo, Peter,” she replied faintly, squeezing herself
as small as possible. Something inside her was crying.
An Aries man is initially lured by a Cancerian girl because she seems so appealingly helpless and feminine (Note: I said she seems helpless. We’ll talce It won't be long until he notices her moodiness. Of course, he's moody too, but that’s different and understandable. With Aries, everything is different and understandable when they do it—also justifiable and permissi- ble. as well as excusable. (Remember, Aries is the adorable but totally self- centered symbolic Infant of the zodiac.) Her moods he considers to be un- called-for damplprisons of gloom, and it must be admitted that they are deeper, more indigo and longer lasting than his. Sometimes it happens that a Ram cheers a girl Crab out of her periodic Lunar melancholy with his sheer
optimism. It makes him feel strong and masculine, and gives her the emotional stability she needs. But there’s a danger that he may eventually revolt against a ?uctuating depression he can’t fathom, if only because it
frightens him into thinking that perhaps his self-made Mars miracles don't have the power to swing the Universe he believed them to have. Rather than face that horrible thought, he could split. He may not get too far. She's kind of nice to come home to, and make up with——and who else bathes his ego in such charming shades of lavender and soft green, with such silvery sincerity ?
She's funny and tender at the same time, and eternally capable of pulling him out of those holes he jumps into, head ?rst. Besides, she bakes a terri?c blueberry muffin—and the chemical attraction between -them is an added attraction. It might not have been what first drew them together, the initial interest might have been based on other things but after a while it grew into a positive aspect of their relationship well worth considering. Her Lunar imagination quickly sparks the flame of his Martian sexuality, and his enthusiastic, idealistic lovemaking can pull her out of her bashful (or snappy) shell into a beautiful ful?llment of latent passion. 'l'here’s an affectionate quality in the Aries approach to sex that may reach a part of her nature which has timidly hidden itself behind her crazy, Looney Bird laughter until the right man came. along‘ to ?nd it. Unfortunately, however, this woman’s ingrained sense of Cancerian practicality soon tells her that “man can’t live with hyacinths alone—-he needs bread.” (Cancer sometimes has a way of twisting truisms around, or reversing them, to accent the negative, and eliminate the positive.) That’s when the real cash con?ict may
begin, when she mentions money in the middle of some romantic interlude, just as the two of them are about to become “one.” Suddenly, sexual closeness is replaced by an emotional explosion. Any relationship between Aries and Cancer is usually subjected to a generous sprinkling of ?ghts over money—-how to obtain it, and how to dispose of it. He’s extravagant, she's thrifty. At least, she's normally economical, until she spins into one of her many moods, triggered by the phases of the Moon, and indulges herself in a buying spree of feminine frivolities to boost her sagging ego. Most other times, however, she's'a little reluctant to part with cash, to put it mildly. If they manage to overcome the sensitive point of ?nances, through
mutual give-and-take, Aries and Cancer possess the potential of building some solid dream castles together, especially if there's a trine, sextile or conjunction between his Sun and her Moon, or vice versa. Her combination of creative ?ights of fancy and a common sense attitude about cash (an odd contradiction in Cancerians) coupled with his audacity and Mars determina- tion, will usually give this Sun Sign couple immunity from the need to apply for Government Welfare. Still, the problems aren't over. Her moods keep
popping up to plague them. He may fail to comprehend the delicacy of her emotional needs and be completely baf?ed by her changing moods. Perception is not an Aries strong point. It can throw him into a fit of perplexity What could he have done wrong? (Nothing. I keep telling you, it's the Moon.) Only moments ago, she was skipping around like a dodo bird chattering and giggling and humming a tune, feeding the kitten soybean cakes——all smiles. And now. tears. What happened 7’ Check The F armefs Almanac, or the evening paper It may be the Full Moon. Or it may be that her feelings have been bruised by
something he didn't even realize he said. Perhaps he failed to notice her new dress, or forgot to tell her how delicious her carrot casserole was. Ever since childhood, this girl has feared that no one loved her. He'll have to gently teach her that the best way to get love-—is to give love. (This won’t be easy.
since it’s a lesson he desperately needs to learn himself.) The Aries man should remember that the way to keep a Moon Maiden happy is to be sure she always receives lots of love, lots of food and lots of money. She's not greedy. she’s just security-hungry, and that's not t-he same thing at all. I left out something. If she's a typical Lunar lady, add to the list —lots of babies. Well.
at least a few. A Ram is nearly always enthusiastic about approaching fatherhood, and she'll adore this quality in him. But after the bundles of joy grow out of their booties into Buster Browns, they may begin pulling their parenthood wagon in opposite directions He believes in teaching the youngsters to be indepen-
dent. Although he can be bossy and demanding with them, his general inclination is to give them lots of room to grow in. She takes motherhood seriously, and I mean very seriously. She’ll closely scrutinize their food. clothing, romances, careers and health. They’ll be stuffed with pea soup, cuddled, coddled and watched over-—-all done in a spirit of friendly persuasion, of course. Mama knows what's best, what's right to eat and wear, who’s wrong to love and marry. All this could lead to his accusing her of smothering their individualities _+and to her accusing him of being too harsh, and too detached, by turns. The offspring may feel they’re being slowly squashed between two cement walls, at times. Compromise in child raising is a must, or this relationship will crack irreparably. l The Ram's ability to give and receive love depends upon his image of himself as the strong one. He needs constant freedom of expression and action. His woman must have absolute faith in his ability to move mountains.
Otherwise, his frustrated emotions may form strange neurotic patterns, turning him from a courageous Ram into a meek, unhappy sheep. Like being under a witch's hex, She should never remind him that she is better than he at iuggling the bank balance (even if she is)—or anything else that may cut sharply into his masculinity If she refrains from tossing wet blankets on his dreams, he'll stay close to horne, contentedly. If she allows him to lead the parade. without dampening his hopes, he'll be able to make her mountains of secret worries and fears disappear forever. But there’s always the possibility that her despairing silences, sulky temper and occasional touches of hysteria will drive him right up the side of her rnoney-papered walls, and out of the house—-and that his rash words and impulsive behavior will bring her watery
nature to a boil, until it sloshes over and drowns his incentive. When she's weeping, and he doesn't know why, he shouldn't storm out of the roorn impatiently He should take her in his arms, and lullaby her with
tender reassurances, to stern the tides of fear and loneliness rising in her, whispering softly, “Please don’t cry, and don't worry. Everyone loves you because you're so smart and so pretty, and you tell funny stories. Besides, we're almost sure to be rich someday. And as for me, I love you even more than other people do, and that's really a bunch. You don't have to offer to do the neighbor's laundry. We’re not quite that poverty-stricken, and we never will be. Now, I want you to wash your face, brush your hair,_blow your nose,
and get dressed in something beautiful, because I'm going to take you out to dinner. " He should then mention the name of the most expensive, exclusive restaurant in town. She’ll stop snif?ing right away. “All nine courses-—including the dessert tray P" she'll aslt, then, tenta- tively, her eyes beginning to sparkle.
“Yes, darling, all nine courses, including the dessert tray. . and after- wards, we'll go to a movie, whichever one you want to see." That last promise ought to do it. It may be the ?rst time in years thethoughtlessly selfish Ram has allowed her to choose which film to see . . or anything else.
Monday, 24 March 2014

She wanted to risk it, come what might, but
that was not his way . .
Like all females born under masculine Sun Signs, who are, in addition, ruled by a masculine planet (in this case, Mars), the Aries girl has private doubts about her femininity. Ever since dancing school, she’s been reluctant to let her partner take the lead. S Most of the fellows she's waltzed around have panicked when they weren't allowed to set the pace and the rhythm of the relationship, and the male rnachismo mystique being what it is, her feminine “macha" caused them all to stalk off to look for a girl willing to humor their fantasies of superiority. The girl Ram is far too honest to imitate her more submissive Sun Sign sisters by pretending to allow the man to initiate every word and action, while she smiles with amused tolerance behind his back. There's a perfect example of that sort of well-meant but demeaning deception in Margaret Mitchell’s great American novel, Cone With The Wind, when the dying Melanie says, of Ashley, “Look after him, Scarlet—-but never let him know ” After a few heartbreaking experiences of discovering that honesty is not always the best policy when it comes to romance, an Aries female may understandably (and justifiably) begin to have some inner traumas as she wonders about her desirability as a woman. Then along comes a Cancerian man to court her (yes, I said court her) with a respectful, gallant courtesy. like a Prince straight out of a storybook. Not only that, he makes her laugh lot, and laughter never fails to brighten a Ram's disposition, making her sweeter to be around. From the very beginning, he makes it clear that she excites him and thrills him, no matter who walks through the door ?rst, which one starts the conversation or who initiates a telephone call. At last! She can ?nally do and say what comes naturally around a rnan—-and he still
loves her. No wonder it’s an intoxicating experience for her. It may be the ?rst time she’s ever felt like a member of the opposite sex. When he convinces her she’s not the wicked old witch after all, that she's
really lovely, desirable Snow White (as she always suspected) it can be exhilarating—for a while. Assuming there’s a harmonious aspect of inter- change between their Luminaries, Ascendents and other major horoscopic positions in their nativities. her daydrearns have a good chance of coming
true. Otherwise, Snow White could ?nd herself living in the woods with only one of the Seven Dwarfs——Grurnpy -and still waiting in vain for the Prince. An Aries female will never be permanently at peace with herself until she discovers a man who will want her to love him freely and openly, without quibbling over who initiates the ?rst goodnight kiss, and without pouting if she occasionally interrupts him with a sudden burst of cheerful, enthusiastic chatter. She needs a man who understands that if he'll just allow her to be herself, she’ll give him all the adoring love he needs to feel strong and virile and masculine. Iust murrnuring "Whatever you say—or whatever you decide, dear" (with a hidden smirk) is romantic hypocrisy, a travesty of honest devotion. Her love is direct It shrinks into restless frustration when it’s restricted by petty arguments over what constitutes the difference between masculinity and femininity. She loves him with all her heart and soul and mind and being-—isn’t that enough? Yes. It should be—and it very well may be, for a boy Crab. But Rams have other areas of friction with Cancerians. Both of them are intensely jealous. The chief difference is that Cancer enjoys it more than Aries. To the Crab, jealousy simply proves how much he's loved and needed, and with this woman, he'll getall of that kind of proof he needs—maybe a little more than he can handle. Jealousy can sometimes bring a sense of emotional security to the Ram too—— just a light touch of it, now and then. But when it’s overdone to the point of smothering possessive— ness, it can sharply cramp her life-style, which is friendly, free and gregar- ious—and the truth of it is that a Cancerian lover or mate may lay it on with a heavy hand, once the courting gallantry is over, and he's sure she is his. Of course, it's equally true that his Crab-like trait of hanging on, when it comes to love, is an indication of his inclination toward loyalty and faithfulness. She certainly has no objection to that. In her opinion, it’s the very least one should expect from true love. It’s when his loyal devotion subtly and gradually is transformed into clinging, which brings the feeling of being fenced in, that she'll show ?ashes of resentful rebellion. Each of these two Sun Signs is as fond of money, fame and recognition as the other. However, the Crab hides his ambition better. Although they share the same basic goals of emotional security and financial success, they have rather seriously con?icting ideas about how to achieve them —as well as what to do with money, when it's there. (She wants to spend it, or give it away, to create a nice, smooth cash ?ow— he wants to save it to make it expand into a higher balance.) Even before either of them achieves any degree of material success, there will be disagreements. Aries is optimistic, positive, sure of winning. Cancer is often pessimistic, negative and fearful of the future (Crabs call it sensible caution)—and this is where these two may need an
interpreter to communicate. It’s impossible for the Ram to comprehend how the Crab hopes to win, at
the same time he’s expecting to lose. To Aries, this puzzling Cancerian attitude was expressed perfectly by physician-philosopher Jean-Baptiste Bau- din, when he wrote: “To be ambitious for wealth, and yet always expecting to be poor; to be always doubting your ability to get what you long for, is like trying to reach East by traveling West. There is no philosophy which will help a man succeed when hels always doubting his ability to do so, and thus attracting failure.” Granted, there are more July birthdays in Wh0’s Who in
Industry and Commercethan any others (except Taurus and Capricorn), but that’s because the Cancerian has going for him a more than adequate substitute for courageous Aries optimism—a hard-shell tenacity of purpose. There’s not much use trying to explain this to an Aries female. She's familiar with a term like “determination,” but she doesn't understand the word “tenacity,” because it diametrically opposes her most evident quality-— impatience. Tenacity implies waiting, and this woman loathes to wait for anything, from a bus or a red light to the arrival of her current lover at the door when they have a date——or her husbands arrival home from work, if she’s a married Ram. Let him be five minutes late, and she either phones the
sheriff in impulsive panic, or paces the ?oor, working up sufficient steam to leap on him with reproaches when he does arrive. Her Cancerian lover or mate's general attitude toward ambition and success, with or without the tenacity, utterly confuses her. She believes in simple things, that people should face the direction in which they wish to travel, and she faces the East. How can he ever expect to arrive in New York when he’s headed toward California P All right, so the world is round, and he may eventually get there,
but it takes so much time that way. There are several possible outcomes for the dilemma. She can become
desolate in the face of his moody spells of depression, and ?nally decide she must escape, to avoid the fate of seeing every last one of her ?ery aspirations submerged in his watery Cancerian pessimism. Or she can try to cheer him out of his periodic melancholy with her own strong Mars faith, by boosting his spirits with courage and humor —- like reminding him of the old proverb that every time a sheep bleats, it loses a mouthful of hay. He can throw up his hands in defeat at her impulsive emotionsand ?nancial extravagance, take off alone with his stamp collection and his old ?shing hat-—or he can gently, patiently teach her that caution does sometimes make sense, and that counting to ten has the benefit of never adding up to a total of zero Another trouble spot could be this man's tendency to keep secrets. The Aries woman is not so closely molded in the image of the Sphinx as he. When the Crab refuses to tell her what”s on his mind, she may imagine all sorts of far-out things, and torture herself into a fit of Mars hysteria. He'll soon learn
(let's hope) that it's more peaceful in the long run to come completely clean with her To level. If he clams up, she’ll just pry until she sees it's no use, then decide the whole thing isn’t worth the energy and heartache—and possibly leave him. Suddenly With little or no waming. Remember, Aries will waste no time on a situation that’s been analyzed as impossible to change. it could end with the Crab still sitting on his secrets, while she skips off chanting Edna St. Vincent Millay's lines: “Thanks be to God, the world is wide, and I am going far from home—and I’ll forget in Camelot the man I loved in Rome. ” He will weep. Then, too, there’s Mama. If his mother is still living, the girl Ram who loves a boy Crab may have some stiff competition for his devotion and attention, perhaps not when they first meet—but she won’t avoid it forever If his sainted mother has passed on, Mama's qualities could take on added luster, seen through the sparkling glass of memory Did his mother never scorch a shirt, bake ?at biscuits. sing off key, waste money or lose her temper ? No. Never. Not one single time. Did his mother always save cash. look prettier by sewing her own clothes, string her own beans, wear just the right amount of makeup and know exactly what to say to make him srnile
when he was blue ? Yes. She did. Always. In a strange way, it might work to their bene?t, the Mama thing. A glowing example like that is surely a challenge, and this girl can't resist struggling to meet a challenge. She may become nearly as perfect as he thinks his mother is —-—or was -— just to prove to him that no one can top a Ram. In their sexual life, adjustments will also be necessary. When love is new. his tender consideration for her desires and needs will make her feel cherished, therefore emotionally secure. (Both of them have this incredible hang-up about needing emotional security.) He'll be, in the beginning, a fabulous lover. A Cancerian can be as imaginative, subtle and clever in the bedroom as he is at the bank. Her frankness and lack of guile concerning sex, a sort of unconscious vulnerability in her, will stir him deeply. Regardless of past eirperiences, an Aries girl always brings a kind of fresh innocence to her approach to lovemaking——in addition, when she loves, she loves ?ercely and passionately, truly giving all of herself in total honesty, and this will make him feel emotionally secure. But she may be unable to remember the thrill of
their original physical compatibility when he's been cranky and moody for a few days and refuses to respond to her affectionate advances. What appears to be (but isn't) his rejection of her can considerably dampen her erotic enthusiasm. It's the Moon. She'll just have to wait until the Moon changes, and stops pulling his emotions back and forth like a piece of taffy. What she should not do during these temporary Lunar phases that threaten to eclipse their happiness is become angry, and say things to wound him she'll later regret. He'll crawl into his Crab shell and stay there, for this man is acutely sensitive. However much he may joke about it, he is—and sexual hurt will cause him to retreat into brooding passivity for long periods. Or worse yet, he could seek the solace of alcohol's seductive siren song. On the happy side of this relationship, a Crab can be very amusing and entertaining, and can make anything from counting money to digging clams wacky fun, with loads of laughs. His beautiful sensitivity and his gentlemaniy air of protectiveness can bring out all the femininity in his Aries lady. He'll secretly be proud of her courageous mind and bright spirit, no matter how he grumbles about her immaturity, and he'll grow to depend on her for the emotional support he needs when the Moon sendsfragments of old fears from childhood to haunt him. On the negative side, she may believe he’s too stern at times, too fussy or stingy, while he may feel she's not capable of taking care
of herself without a keeper. He could now and then drown his disappoint» ments in drink or drugs, always a very real danger with a Water Sign~—and she could now and then lose her quick ?ery temper in such a way that it takes a long time to atone for the pain it caused. This is a man who's not ashamed of sentiment; he’s affected by music, art and poetry, and when his heart is moved, tears come to his eyes—and thi is a woman whose own heart needs a great deal of tender, loving care, for she is, emotionally, an infant, whatever her chronological age. If they crossbreeti her Aries initiative with his Cancer tenacity, they might achieve wonders. Their natal Suns are squared, and so it will require lots of patience—and lots of love. But then, doesn’t everything,
Sunday, 23 March 2014
ARIES-GANIFER Relationship

but of course neither of them understood the othefs language.
Crab can become a little tense and edgy, spinning around on an Aries carousel. Because the Lunar physical-emotional metabolism is more delicate and ?uctuating, Rams can exhaust Moon people with their excessive Mars enthusiasm, which ?ames in even the quieter, Sheep-type Arians, on occasion (and remember that the Sheep types are in the minority) Consequently, to the determined, somewhat reckless Ram, it may frequently
seem as though the Crab disapproves of his (or her) behavior. What do these Cancerians expect you to do, wonders Aries—bury your con?dence and develop an inferiority complex, just to please them? Not necessarily True, the Crabs might feel considerably more comfort- able if the impulsive Mars rhythms could be slowed clown a bit, to match their own, more cautious calliope music. But it won't bene?t the basic insecurity of Cancer to have Aries join him (or her) in wailing “nobody-loves- me-everybody-hates-me-let's-go-eat-worms.” One weepy hang-up like that is suf?cient in an association or a relationship. Why try for two? Very few people are aware of how frantically Aries men and women (and children) seek acceptance while they’re rushing around feverishly courting rejection with their impulsive, thoughtless ways. Among those few aware ones are Cancerians, who themselves are abnormally sensitive to hurt. Even as they appear to frown on Aries rashness, they sense, with their acute perception, that the Rams are not always as tough as they act. Because of this perception, there can be some lovely and solid relationships between these two Sun Signs. However, since theirs is a 4-10 vibrational pattern, this association more often occurs in an unavoidable career, business or family situation, than in a romantic one. The Higher Selves of any two people in?uenced by the 4-10 vibration may possibly arrange matters this way, because of the heavier Karma, which must be leveled and harmonized, and human nature being as it is, few people would choose the tensions and con?icts of a 4-10 soul testing if there was a choice. Naturally, there are also love and marriage involvements between Aries and Cancer, from time to time lt’s just. that the Ram and the Crab teams are more often found as relatives or co—workers—in a boss-employee or other career entanglement.
Even those Rams and Crabs who are romantically attracted will usually ?rst meet in a career or family atmosphere, or these matters will be a main topic of conversation between them initially. If the Sun~Moon aspect between their natal charts is harmonious, this combination can be surprisingly ?nancially successful and emotionally corn- patible. But if a negative Luminary or Ascendent aspect exists between their
horoscopes, there will be some steep hills to climb, and much soul testing for durability
Aries likes-and needs——to win. Aries also enjoys leading. Now, Cancer has nothing against either winning or leading. As for the latter remember that Cancer is a Cardinal Sign of leadership, despite the Crab's
attempt to hide his or her desire to lead beneath a veil of feigned unconcern. Aries is also a Cardinal Sign, and the Ram’s horns being equally as tough as the Crab’s shell, you can see there may be a few skirmishes over who follows the leader in any game they're playing. It's a tricky problem. because whe you have two leaders, how do you determine which one will follow? (Especially when neither has any intention of doing so.) It seems like an impossible situation, but there is a solution They can walk side-by-side. with
no one ahead. no one behind [t’s called compromise. Cancer tends to compromise with less pain than Aries, so it’s usually the Crab who must initiate the offer of truce between them Aries may try, yet somehow manage to say the wrong thing, in the wrong way. tinged with too much ego, which leaves the Crab-either snapping angrily. or weeping inconsolahly All right. so now we have them (we hope) walking side-by-side toward the winners circle—peacefully for a while—then up pop the difference between their personalities and strategies again The Crab advances in a rather zigzag direction, never straight ahead, like the direct, straightforward Ram. The Cancerian approach to anything is deliberate, disguised and careful, never mind how many jokes they tell along the way to distract you from noticing their techniques. Whereas the Ram is ever ready to discard dead wood and clear the decks for action, the Crab wants to be sure that no one throws out the baby with the bath water, so to speak. That's admittedly a mixed metaphor, but when discussing and describing Aries and Cancer. it's permissible. No single metaphor, analogy or allegory would suf?ce to ?t both of these divergent Earthlings, who often seem to each other to be from
different stars or galaxies. Life is one huge challenging contest to Aries, who rushes out to meet obstacles headlong and headfirst. even when he or she must go out of his or her way to ?nd them. If they aren't there, Aries will create a few, for what fun is a contest with no obstacles to overcome 7’
Indeed, obstacles attract Aries like bar magnets. Meeting with constant agreement everywhere both annoys and bores a Ram. Aries is either dismayed or furious when another person refuses to fight or argue. That
takes all the excitement out of it. The Mars adrenalin surges, the Aries vitality is instantly recharged, in the face of any sort of opposition. Let a con?ict loom on the horizon, and the Ram is in his or her glory, bravely
facing the thrill of challenge, and the explosive excitement of meeting it victoriously. There's nothing wrong with this, as long as Aries will stop once in a while to notice that there are other people in the world besides himself (or herself) and that they have feelings too. Aries people don't mean to step
on anyone’s sensitive feelings, but they're so intent on getting wherever it is
they're going (and you can include the rare and more introverted Sheep types. along with the ?ashier Rams) that they can be inconsiderate and thoughtless without realizing it Excluding those few Arians who may have a severely afflicted natal Sun or Mars, the typical Ram would never hurt anyone on purpose. Nevertheless, he (or she) does, especially the ultra- sensitive Crabs.
By now, you can see that one of the problems between Aries and Cancer is sensitivity to hurt. Aries people have little or no awareness of this particular weakness in themselves—it clashes with their self image of strength. There- fore, when Aries is hurt, the Mars~in?uenced reaction is to either immediate- ly deny it, or to become defensively angry. Cancer's vulnerability is carefully hidden, so the typical Cancerian reaction to hurt is to crawl inside the Crab shell and pout—or turn just plain crabby. If the wound is deep enough,
either of these responses may be accompanied by a few buckets of tears and sometimes, the Lunar sensitivity peaks out from behind the Looney-Bird humor, When these two have hurt each other, one of them (Cancer) disappears into an inky blob of gloom, or an injured silence, punctuated by cranky snapping. The other (Aries), frustrated by the Cancerian retreat strategy, and feeling helpless to take any kind of action to resolve the disagreement between them, may then become furious, and release a torrent
of words and actions, with the predictable effect of causing the Crab to burrow even deeper into the sands of silent pouting. Just go back to Nature for a moment, via astrological symbolism, and picture an aroused ram butting his (or her) horns against the hard shell of an impervious crab, while it frantically digs deeper and deeper into the sand on the beach. On the beach? What is a ram doing messing around on the beach, beside the mysterious ocean, anyway ? He's out of his element. (So is she, if the Arian is female.) just as the crab would be lost trying to crawl up the rocky mountain slopes where the ram is more at home. It requires a Sun- Moon trine or conjunction between their horoscopes—or a great deal of patient understanding from both-—to bring these two very different astro- logical creatures together in a mutually acceptable emotional terrain. Even then, although they may learn to tolerate each other, and help each other
grow, evolve and learn, the differences between them will be distinctly visible. It's true that Cancerians may hide in the mop closet when their feelings are hurt, and are normally quiet and re?ective sorts (except when they’re making you giggle over their funnies), but they shouldn't be considered by Aries to be totally impassive, easily molded or incapable of resistance. They may not fight with the ?aming sword of Mars, and may prefer to tackle obstacles with serenity, secrecy and patience; yet Crabs are not altogether
quivering, soft masses of fear. Correction: Crabs are quivering, soft masses o fear, but the Ram shouldn’t forget that hard shell they hide under while they're shivering and quivering. lt’s not advisable to rap one’s knuckles on it. Whereas the Ram is inclined to favor instant and open attack when security is threatened, the Cancerian man or woman will, as unobtrusively as possible, ?rst attempt to seek the underlying root cause of the trouble, then maneuver out of it gradually, with a secret strategy and incredible tenacity of purpose. The Crab’s ability to hang on to your toe, ear, finger—or a notion—until it gets what it wants, should never be overlooked or underestimated. (That goes for both boy Crabs and girl Crabs.) Aries and Cancer have different motivations, different approaches to life—and different goals. But if each will give something of his (or her) basic goodness to the other, both of their lives will be greatly enriched. This is a Fire and Water combination; therefore, each is subconsciously aware that the other can destroy him (or her). Too much Aries Fire can dehydrate Cancer’s delicate feelings. Too much Cancerian Water can drown the Ram ’s enthusi~ astic, shining hopes. Fire represents optimism, in astrology~—Water, pessi- mism. The two elements seeni to be incompatible; yet another word for
pessimism is "caution," a commodity with which Aries could bene?cially experiment—and another word for optimism is “faith,” a quality Cancer would find very useful. If they're willing to take the time to translate‘ the message of each other' hearts, who knows how high the dreams of the Ram and the Crab can reach together? Perhaps all the way to the Moon—or to Mars,
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